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Here is a collection of articles, blog posts, reviews, and more.

The Art of Time Travel (and How to Stop Doing it)
THE ART OF TIME TRAVEL (and How to Stop Doing it) Saturday, September 16th at 2-4pm at Namaste Yoga + Wellness | Grand Lake, Oakland CA...
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Aspects of Asana - Class Notes
5 Weeks - Aspects of Asana Updated though 7/2/2017 Asana (or seat) is the third of the eight limbs of yoga as outlined by the sage...
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Observing the Niyamas - Class Notes
Earlier this year, I taught an 5-week course on the second limb of yoga, the Niyamas, during my Yoga & Meditation class at Namaste and...
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Exploration of the Yamas - Class Notes
Earlier this year, I taught an 5-week course on the first limb of yoga, the Yamas, during my Yoga & Meditation class at Namaste and I'd...
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Notes, Nidra, and Kalamazoo! (March/April Newsletter)
Notes, Nidra, and Kalamazoo! Every Monday, in Oakland, CA, I teach a class aptly called Yoga & Meditation. In this class we go through...
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Journey Through the Chakras Class Notes
Earlier this year, I taught an 8-week course on Chakra system during my Monday night Yoga & Meditation class at Namaste Rockridge and I'd...
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Monthly Yoga Nidra | Namaste Rockridge
Monthly Yoga Nidra with Jerry Givens1st Fridays 7:15-8:15pm at Namaste Rockridge Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is the practice of conscious deep
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Awaken Your Creativity Workshop | Namaste Rockridge
Awaken Your Creativity Workshop January 14th at 1-4pm at Namaste Rockridge Start your year off right by using your yoga practice to dive...
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Choosing Compassion in Times of Suffering
The last month has been fueled with acts of hate and violence happening all over the world. From deaths close to home, to attacks...
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New Oakland, CA Class! Starts May 2nd!
I'm so excited to announce that I am now a regular teacher at Namaste Studios in the Bay Area. Starting May 2nd, join me for a weekly...
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"The Difference Between Caution & Fear" (Article)
My article "The Difference Between Caution and Fear" is now live on Check it out! #article #yoga #news #writing
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"How's it going?" Inviting Genuine Communication
A common question asked on a daily basis is “How are you?” It could show up as “what’s up?” or “how’s it going”. Normally used as a quick...
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"Now That I Know Better, I Do Better"
"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." - Maya Angelou A simple statement by the late Maya Angelou that...
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The Practice of Generosity in Trust
As I move through the world, I keep an eye out for things that remind me of truth. Truth about myself. Truth about my relationships....
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"Don't Take It Personally: A Practice of Non-Violence" (Article) on Yoga International
My new article, "Don't Take It Personally: A Practice of Non-Violence" is now published on Yoga International. Check it out! #Blog #news...
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"Discomfort vs. Danger" (Article) on Elephant Journal
Hello loves, I am SO EXCITED!! My recent article, Discomfort vs. Danger is published on Elephant Journal! Check it out and share with...
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