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"Eyes in Atlantis" Release & Reviews

From May 31, 2011

Hi everyone,

Ever since the release of Eyes in Atlantis last week, I've been in writing limbo. In truth, releasing the book ended up being an overwhelming, albeit amazing, experience. At the release event, I received so much love and support from everyone and I was truly blown away.

The release event took place on May 21, 2011 at Sangha Yoga Studio in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

At the event, I thanked everyone who had a hand in its creation, read the sample chapter from, and talked about how I wrote the book, including inspiration and frustrations. The event was a great success. Thanks again to everyone who was able to make it out. You're support means so much to me.

Now, moving along...

The part I feared about releasing a book is starting to happen. People are starting to give me feedback (ahhh!). Wait? What? You like, it you say? You say you can't put it down and it sucks you in? Well...that's not so bad. People are starting to finish reading Eyes in Atlantis and the reviews are great! Here's a couple, taken from both and the website:

"Captivating - The book is very well written. It is very hard to put down once you start reading it. It makes you feel you are right there with the people in the book. Highly recommend it to everyone."

- Roseann 5/25/11

"Stupendous- A must read! Highly recommended to all book lovers, this book has it all some history some romance and suspense that keeps drawing you in chapter after chapter! You will love this book by a brilliant author."

- Jenipher 5/29/11

Also, someone was kind enough to leave me this review on amazon:

"Fantastic is all I can say! Bravo! This book - written by a seemingly seasoned accomplished writer - is the debut novel of one Gerald M. Givens who I believe to be destined for greatness.

"I have a fondness for detail and author Givens delivers. This book gives you action, greek mythology, and romaaaaance (for the ladies). After reading the book, you could experience side effects of wanting more and I believe that Mr. Givens will come through with another astonishing act of authoring amazement all in due time.

"Give this book a try - you will not be disappointed!"

Thank you, Dr. Fitzhume. You humble me. I have a hunch concerning your true identity, but I respect your desire for anonymity.

One last thing before we part. If you would like to buy the ebook, but don't have an eReader, no worries. If you go to the amazon page above and look on the right-hand side of the page, you'll see options to download the Kindle app for PCs, and other electronic devices (i.e. - cell phones, iPads).

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support. I full expect to delve into my next project now that this one is out in the world. I'll keep you updated.

GMG, Published Author

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