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Here is a collection of articles, blog posts, reviews, and more.

HEROES & VICTIMS - Now Available!
The final installment of The Diluvians series, HEROES & VICTIMS, is now available in print and ebook! Get your copy today! Five-hundred...
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SEVEN DEVILS - Now Available in Print!
My new 7-chapter novella, SEVEN DEVILS, is now available in PRINT!!! And the printed version include two additional stories: The Hallway...
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Choosing Compassion in Times of Suffering
The last month has been fueled with acts of hate and violence happening all over the world. From deaths close to home, to attacks...
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The Secrets of SEVEN DEVILS (Spoiler Warning)
SPOILER WARNING Do Not Read Past If You Haven’t Yet Read SEVEN DEVILS Hands down, the most fun part of writing Seven Devils was the...
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The Making of SEVEN DEVILS: The Cover Art
Seven Devils challenged me to express myself as not just a writer, but also as a visual artist. I am not great at drawing. In fact, I...
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The Making of SEVEN DEVILS
SEVEN DEVILS marks my first entry into historical fiction, playing out a tortured narrative in Victorian-era England and late nineteenth...
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SEVEN DEVILS - Now on eBooks!
My new 7-chapter novella, SEVEN DEVILS, is now available for all eBook apps and devices and it's only 99-cents! That's like 1/4 of a cup...
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SEVEN DEVILS coming on June 6th!
SEVEN DEVILS a novella Seven sins for seven brothers and a black-widow woman to bind them. Locked in her cage, the bird so scorned, ...
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"How's it going?" Inviting Genuine Communication
A common question asked on a daily basis is “How are you?” It could show up as “what’s up?” or “how’s it going”. Normally used as a quick...
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"Now That I Know Better, I Do Better"
"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." - Maya Angelou A simple statement by the late Maya Angelou that...
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The Practice of Generosity in Trust
As I move through the world, I keep an eye out for things that remind me of truth. Truth about myself. Truth about my relationships....
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"Don't Take It Personally: A Practice of Non-Violence" (Article) on Yoga International
My new article, "Don't Take It Personally: A Practice of Non-Violence" is now published on Yoga International. Check it out! #Blog #news...
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"Discomfort vs. Danger" (Article) on Elephant Journal
Hello loves, I am SO EXCITED!! My recent article, Discomfort vs. Danger is published on Elephant Journal! Check it out and share with...
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Moving On
From June 30, 2014 About a year and a half ago, during one of those long winters we experience here in Michigan, I got my first real itch...
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Project Progress: "Heroes & Victims"
From April 24, 2014 Last week I sat down and finally finished the first draft of my new novel, Heroes & Victims. Completing this draft...
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Project Progress: The Deluge, Heroes & Victims
From June 6, 2013 Hello all, I've been pretty quiet on this site this year and I assure you it's all for good reasons. While working...
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Music that Inspires Me: Folklore
From July 19, 2012 So, this "music that inspires me" thing is turning into a series, I'm finding. Every once in a while I find myself...
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From July 7, 2012 I've been procrastinating again... And by 'again', I mean that this doesn't just happen every once in a great while,...
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Project Progress: The Deluge, EIA3, and the Series Title
From May 16, 2012 My apologies for the radio silence this month. Aside from traveling a little, I've been busy in my writing world, so...
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The Rainforest Mystery Tour 1-6
PART 1 From March 12, 2012 Welcome to the Rain Forest Mystery adventures in Costa Rica 2012! I saw this sign at the retreat...
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